javascript - Need to display/hide Divs when clicked sequentially -

ii revised script found on line struggling display way want. not sure how modify script accomplish following.

when web page opens shows:

click on links below find mayor of city states 

when user clicks on states, shows:

select state alabama texas california 

when user clicks on alabama following shows:

select city birmingham auburn montgomery 

when user clicks on birmingham following shows:

the mayor of birmingham alabama william bell 

<!doctype html>  <html>  <head>  </head>  <body>    <p><b>click on links below find mayor of city</b></p>    <p id="demo" onclick="myfunction('mydiv')">states</p>  <div id="mydiv">  <p><b> select state</b></p>  <p id="demo" onclick="myfunction('mydiv2')">alabama</p>  <p id="demo" onclick="myfunction(mydiv3')">texas</p>  <p id="demo" onclick="myfunction(mydiv4')">california</p>  </div>  <div id="mydiv2">  <p><b>select city</b></p>  <p id="demo" onclick="myfunction('mydiv2a')">birmingham</p>  <p id="demo" onclick="myfunction('mydiv2b')">auburn</p>  <p id="demo" onclick="myfunction('mydiv2c')">montgomery</p>  </div>  <div id="mydiv2a">  <p><b>the mayor of birmingham alabama william bell</b></p>  </div>    <script>  function myfunction(div) {  	var x = document.getelementbyid(div);  	if ( === 'none') { = 'block';  	} else { = 'none';  	}  }  </script>    </body>  </html>

i write code you can use this, think goal learn how on own, im going try explain happening in type of code, , give understanding seem lacking in order make type of code. first off, class can have many of , id can have 1 of.

your code have id=demo on many lines, , not can do. must use class if have many of it. id selecting 1 specific item rest, id must unique. need give item id when need select specific item somewhere in code later on.

var mydiv = selectelementbyid("myuniquediv");  

the code on live above select spesific div spesific id. mydiv variable kind of hold div now.

if say:

var alldivs = selectelemetnsbyclassname("mydivs"); 

i can select divs specific class name. alldivs variable holds sort of list of elements have selected.

elements can belong 1 or more clases, 1 element can use specific id.

when selecting elements inside other elements, paragraphs inside of div, can make variables , store first main div, use variable (that holds elements it) select further inside of it.

var citys = document.getelementbyid('citys'); // select main div citys.getelementsbytagname("p"); // selecting p elements in 

you can set display or not. first can sett elements hidden, can display 1 of them clicked on. = "none";  

the line above hides p selected city div.

function myfunction(selectedcity){     document.getelementsbyid( selectedcity ).style.display = "block";  } 

these last line uses id select specific city , makes visible. have in parenthesis in myfunction() declaration, here have selectedcity, becomes variable holds have give when called function. use select city want display.

suggestion: use drop downs lists this, in stead of hiding , un-hiding elements.

i hope explains code enough understand how write type of code on own.


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