jquery - Get data from a Symfony controller action with AJAX -

i have simple showaction show user's information:

/**  * @route("/user/{id}", name="show_user", options={"expose"=true})  * @method("get")  *  * @param user $user  * @return \symfony\component\httpfoundation\response  */ public function showaction(user $user) {     return $this->render('user/showuser.html.twig', array(         'user' => $user,     )); } 

i try information ajax display in seperate div:

$('.showuser').click(function (e) {      var geturl = routing.generate('show_user', {'id': $(this).attr('id')});     e.preventdefault();      $.ajax({         url:  geturl,         success: function (data) {             $("#userdetails").html(data);         }     }); }); 

my list of users overview in html:

<table class="table-title table table-striped table-bordered">     <thead>     <tr>         <th class="col-md-2">name</th>         <th class="col-md-1">age</th>         <th class="col-md-1">actions</th>     </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>     <tr>         {% user in users  %}         <td>{{ user.name }}</td>         <td>{{ user.age }}</td>         <td>             <button id="{{ user.id }}" type="button" class="deleteuser btn btn-lg btn-danger">delete</button>             <button id="{{ user.id }}" type="button" class="showuser btn btn-lg btn-primary">show</button>         </td>     </tr>     {% endfor %}     </tbody> </table> <div class="displayuser col-sm-4">     {% include 'user/showuser.html.twig' %} </div> 

and showuser template display selected user:

<div id="userdetails">     {{ dump(user) }} </div> 

what happening when load page, {{ dump(user) }} contains array of users, , not empty. when click on show button display 1 user's information {{ dump(user)}} change show correct information.

also when change {{ dump(user) }} {{ user.name }} - {{ user.age }}, , reload page error:

key "name" array keys "0, 1" not exist in user/showuser.html.twig @ line 2

can me? explain me doing wrong? think there wrong ajax call, have never used ajax before, , have created based on samples managed find, further don't get.

all want display user's information in div when clicking on user's show button.

i think figured out:

i changed ajax function:

$('.showuser').click(function() {     var geturl = routing.generate('show_user', {'id': $(this).attr('id')});     $.get(geturl, function (data) {             $(".userdetails").html(data);     }); }); 

i removed twig include (also peter popelyskho said in comments) , paste div in showuser.html in place:

<table class="table-title table table-striped table-bordered">     <thead>     <tr>         <th class="col-md-2">name</th>         <th class="col-md-1">age</th>         <th class="col-md-1">actions</th>     </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>     <tr>         {% user in users  %}         <td>{{ user.name }}</td>         <td>{{ user.age }}</td>         <td>             <button id="{{ user.id }}" type="button" class="deleteuser btn btn-lg btn-danger">delete</button>             <button id="{{ user.id }}" type="button" class="showuser btn btn-lg btn-primary">show</button>         </td>     </tr>     {% endfor %}     </tbody> </table> <div class="userdetails"></div> 

inside user/showuser.html.twig template have: {{ user.name}} - {{ user.age }}.

and looks good!

if thinks there better way or more convenient way, please feel free show me, want learn possible.


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