plot - How can we keep the default axis values but just turn them to percentages in R? -

i'm wondering how can keep default y-axis values r in plot turn them percentages? specifically, if need use axis() how should specify "at =" in axis() keep default tickmarked values?

an example here:

x = rbinom(10, 100, .7) plot(x) 

here thought might work didn't:

plot(x, yaxt = "n") tk = par("yaxp") axis(2, @ = seq(tk[1], tk[2], l = tk[3]), labels = paste0(seq(tk[1], tk[2], l = tk[3]), "%")) 

this job you:

plot(x, yaxt="n")    axis(2, at=axticks(2), labels=paste0("%", axticks(2))) 

below, can see result of plot(x) , solution above side side:

   set.seed(123)    x = rbinom(10, 100, .7)     plot(x)     plot(x, yaxt="n")    axis(2, at=axticks(2), labels=paste0("%", axticks(2))) 


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