mojolicious - Delegate Rerouting to Controller -

mojolicious + hypnotoad.

i want controllers reroute remaining portion of request, don't have declare routes @ level of main script.

so example, '/foo/bar/baz' should route controller 'foo', decide routing 'bar/baz', internal itself.

main script :

package myapp; use mojo::base 'mojolicious'; use mojolicious::plugin::config;  sub startup {     $self = shift;      $self->moniker('myapp');     $self->plugin('config');      $r = $self->routes;     $r->any('/foo/*remainder')->to('foo#rerouter')->name('test_name'); } 

i've tried 1 way, dynamically adding routes, running many times shows inconsistency - caused race condition or :

package myapp::controller::foo; use mojo::base 'mojolicious::controller';  sub rerouter {     $self = shift;      $r = mojolicious::routes->new;     $r->get('bar/:baz')->to('myinternalcontrolleraction');       $current_route = $self->current_route; # 'test_name'      $self->app->routes->find($current_route)->add_child($r); }  sub myinternalcontrolleraction { #stuff } 

that seems consistent other answer :

"the router dynamic until first request has been served, after that, router cannot change routes"

even if did work though, execution exit controller foo before re-entering on different action via dynamically added route(s).

the other way can create dispatch table in "re-router" of controller, since have access remainder of request anyway :

sub rerouter {     $self = shift;     $remainder = $self->stash->{remainder};     # ... } 

but lose benefits of mojolicious' dispatcher - have parse remaining request url / path myself. feels dirty. hooks don't seem appropriate here either.

how can elegantly let controller route own child portion ?


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