php - Explode a string into an array with assigned value and send the email to multiple reciepient -

i have string declared shown below

var email = ',' 

i using explode make array

$emails = explode(",", $user->email); 

with $emails output like

array:2 [▼   0 => ""   1 => "" ] 

what expected is

$a = array(''=>'abc',''=>'cde');  result:  array:2 [▼   ""=> "abc"   ""=> "cde" ] 

i want send email multiple recipient name of recipient.e.g


it works fine when mail->to single recipient


can tell me how can make send email multiple recipient name well?

have try using foreach ? example :

foreach($a $key=>$val) {    mail->to($key, $val); } 


if string have stated, maybe :

$string = "abc(;cde("; $data = explode(';', $string); $detailsarray = array();  foreach($data $datax){     $email = "";     //using regex filter out string paranthesis     preg_match('#\((.*?)\)#', $datax, $email);      //using str_replace remove email paranthesis name     $name = str_replace($email[0], "", $datax);      //removing paranthesis     $email[0] = str_replace(array('(',')'),'',$email[0]);      //push array     $array = array($email[0] => $name);     array_push($detailsarray,$array ); } 


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