php - How to create Math Table with this? -

i'm trying create simple math table (times). i'm bit confuse how it. can create this.

echo "<table>";  ($i = 1; $i <= 11; $i++ ) {  $k=1;    echo "<tr>";    if($i==1)     echo "<td>x</td>";    else{    $k=$i-1;    echo "<td>$k</td>";    }      echo "<td>".$k ."</td>";      ( $j = 2; $j <= 10; $j++ ) {              echo "<td>".$k * $j."</td>";          }      echo "</tr>";  }  echo "</table>"; 

here above

x   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 1   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 2   2   4   6   8   10  12  14  16  18  20 3   3   6   9   12  15  18  21  24  27  30 4   4   8   12  16  20  24  28  32  36  40 5   5   10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50 6   6   12  18  24  30  36  42  48  54  60 7   7   14  21  28  35  42  49  56  63  70 8   8   16  24  32  40  48  56  64  72  80 9   9   18  27  36  45  54  63  72  81  90 10  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100 

but want create multidimensional array. possible ? if possible please show me how. in advance.

as example have

$angka = array(         array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),         array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)     ); 

the result want table above

<?php $multi = []; ($i = 1; $i <= 11; $i++) {     $k = 1;     $row = [];     if ($i === 1) {         $row[] = "x";     } else {         $k = $i - 1;         $row[] = $k;     }     ($j = 2; $j <= 10; $j++) {         $row[] = $k * $j;     }     $multi[] = $row; }  var_dump($multi); 


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