php - how to send email to multiple recipients using textarea box? -

i send email multiple recipients using below code has problem. first have set emails on php code ($to="email,email,email more"). can send them email.

i wants text area box () paste email/email list , send them. don't want add email 1 one on php code.

this code:

<?php      $to = $_post['email_list']; //i'm trying not working.      //$to = "".","."".","."";      $subject = $_post['subject'];      $message = $_post['message'];       $header = " \r\n";      $retval = mail ($to,$subject,$message,$header);      if( $retval == true ) {         echo "message sent successfully...";      }else {         echo "message not sent...";      }   ?>   <textarea type="text" name="email_list"></textarea><br/>   <input type="text" name="subject"/><br/>   <textarea type="text" name="message"></textarea><br/>   <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/> 

if want build list of email recipients, can use explode() list of emails array, , use implode() them single string comma delimiter.

for example, if have textarea email address seperated new line character (one email per line), can use php's php_eol delimiter.

// submited email addresses array $email_list = explode(php_eol, $_post['email_list']); // implode array comma-delimited string $to = implode(",", $email_list); 

if need be, run $email_list through foreach loop or array_walk first, if want validate email addresses, etc.

edit: see answer: explode php string new line.
rather relying on php_eol, may best use regular expression \r , \n. reason being eol system (server) dependent, while actual line break character(s) come end user's browser, uses their operating system's eol.


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