Entity framework Migrator wants to execute named migration twice -

i had convert int keys uniqueidentifier recently. since automatic migration remove fks, pks, convert int gui , re-create pks , fks, had create own migration script converts nvarchar(36) first, assigns guid compatible values, converts type uniqueidentifier. when script ran against test databases, went ahead next db change - removing table , associated fks.

it worked on test db developing against.. i'm targeting other test databases, , of sudden, wants re-execute named migration executed. looking @ dbo.__migrationhistory, can see migration executed, , yet if @ script tries execute, tries undo changes made named migration, tries re-apply it.

it migration never performed tries make changes of named migration again (and don't see table removal should come after). needless say, fails spectacularly because down migration of named migration not supposed run (i realize means.. there's no way , don't need 1 either).

is there way can tell ef "hey.. migration xy done.. forget , go there"?


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