visual studio - VS10 always rebuilding because .ILK is slightly newer than .PDB -

i've got project vs10 thinks out of date. can press [f7] , see build finish without errors, wait minute, press [f7] again , have relink. if try run or debug, warns me project out of date.

based on accepted answer here able capture debug output devenv.exe , isolate reason wants rebuild:

[5392] project 'q:\swdev\x\tests\x.y.z\src\x.y.z.vcxproj' not date because 'q:\swdev\x\tests\x.y.z\bin\x64\win32\checked\x.y.z.ilk' modified @ 08/15/2017 03:32:38, newer 'q:\swdev\x\tests\x.y.z\bin\x64\win32\checked\x.y.z.pdb' modified @ 08/15/2017 07:32:36. 

i'm not sure why second time shown in utc , first in local time, don't think that's problem, because claim of newer appears correctly reflect actual time relation.

when check files manually, .ilk file indeed modified @ 3:32:38, 2 seconds later .pdb, modified @ ‏‎3:32:36.

the answer this question looked promising, unlike in problem, cl , link settings have separate pdb files, c/c++ set $(intdir)vc$(platformtoolsetversion).pdb , linker set $(targetdir)$(targetname).pdb. double-check, have bin\x64\win32\checked\obj\vc100.pdb file modified ‏‎3:29:42.

i've seen suggestions in various places 'always rebuilds' problems may due upgrading prior vs. wasn't case project (although depends on library was upgraded vs9 , doesn't have problem.) in fact, have deleted source code , recreated solution , project scratch , problem persists.

all development files on network shares exposed oracle solaris' cifs, server being used many, many other things including projects in other versions of visual studio (9 , 12) without issue.

i'm confused why configured depend on .ilk file. afaik file contain internal data linker uses incremental linking, 1. wouldn't expect meaningfully change unless actual linker inputs change , 2. emitted around same time .pdb, think makes no sense test file.

i don't know enough msbuild system know making check or how stop it.

as workaround, have turned off incremental linking, , makes problem go away, know if there proper solution. project, not using incremental linking inconsequential, others become issue.


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