excel - Check Multiple Columns for the highest value -

so had table has score of 3 different teams week.

day   team1 team2  team3 mon     5     2      2 tue     0     7      7 wed     6     3      2 thu     0     0      1  fri    13     6      5 

i want formula can find highest score day , mark on identical table value of 1 , mark other teams 0.

if there 2 values highest want them both marked 1.

there never day 0's

using data table above other table this.

day   team1 team2  team3 mon     1     0      0 tue     0     1      1 wed     1     0      0 thu     0     0      1  fri     1     0      0 

i have working formula


i hoping there better way write formula, can drag across teams , have still work.

if try drag formula now. have update formula each column. might have 20 + teams.

any advice appreciated.

use max():


then copy/drag on , down.

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