r - Missing values - Subset function -

this code not doing designed for. have ideas why?

vet.in <- 1:30 vet.cut <- cut(vet.in, breaks = c(0,10,20, 30), labels = c("peq", "med", "gra") )  vet.cut <- subset(vet.cut, vet.cut == c("peq", "med")) 

after use of subset, elements "gra" filled in desapear , number of elements "peq" , "med" decreased half, not intention. purpose of subset function getting rid of "gra" while prevailing "peq" , "med"

the problem did not implement intention - code else. if intention filter out "gra", use:

evet.in <- 1:30 vet.cut <- cut(evet.in, breaks = c(0,10,20, 30), labels = c("peq", "med", "gra") )  vet.cut <- subset(vet.cut, vet.cut %in% c("peq", "med")) 

the key success use %in% operator instead of == operator.


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