mysql - Crossfilter dimension of joined table without repeating values -

i preface both relatively unfamiliar sql , dc.js. feel solution pretty simple.

i drawing group of charts based on join of 2 tables results in form similar following:

subject | gender | testname ------- | ------ | -------- 1       | m      | test 1  2       | m      | test 1 1       | m      | test 2 2       | m      | test 2 

essentially, lot of unique data repeated on join due testname changing per subject. join on subject.

i have 1 bar chart gender, can either m or f. have bar graph of count of each test (testname) , how many subjects present in test. can tell join, single subject can , member of more 1 test.

my issue when crossfilter data, counts each test correct (here, 2 each), gender information inflated (4, instead of 2) since counts should each unique subject every time appears in joined data set. want charts display n subjects gender, instead displays n * 'number of tests'.

is there way chart correct count per test case keep other charts displaying maximum count of unique subjects while keeping crossfilter working?


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