IIS does not listen to its IP address, This page cannot be displayed -

we have configured multiple sites on iis server before, cannot second site work. iis installed on virtual windows machine, , ethernet adapter has multiple ip addresses assigned.

the second site on iis has binding 1 of these ip addresses, can pinged fine, site cannot reached.

i clicked start, , iss site icon missing black dot indicates stopped.

the browser says: this page cannot displayed suggestion check ip address.

with netstat found out no process listening on new ip address, problem.

we tried restarting iis, , rebooting entire virtual windows machine after creating new ip address , new iis site.

how iss start listening on ip address second site assigned to?

our sysadmin found answer. iis defaults listening ip addresses, except if list empty: netsh http show iplisten

if list not empty, because configured 1 or more ip addresses in list, need add new ip address also, with, e.g.: netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=

it work if delete ip addresses list...

more netsh


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