wordpress - Point one domain to another domain's subfolder -

i have external domain (let's mygreatsite.com) , domain subfolder (let's myhostingsite.com/mygreatsite). i'm wondering if possible point mygreatsite.com myhostingsite.com/mygreatsite when users visit mygreatsite.com content of subfolder, behaves if on mygreatsite.com, not myhostingsite.com/mygreatsite.

basically have clients have new web site , we're wondering if makes sense hijack subfolder of new site. wordpress based, if makes difference.

both sites hosted/managed on separate hosts.

this should you're hoping:

rewritecond %{http_host} ^mygreatsite.com rewriterule ^(.*) http://myhostingsite.com/mygreatsite [p] 


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