How to expose a custom query string with Android Schematic content provider library? -

i've been using android schematic library automatically create content provider i'm having difficulty figure out how can expose custom query auto-generated schematic content provider mechanism.

the custom query want schematic expose content provider based on simple union query string, this:

string querystringtobeexposebyschematic = "select " +     "0 " + databasecontract.stepentry._id + ", " +     string.valueof(recipeid) + " " + databasecontract.stepentry.column_id_recipe + ", " +     "'' " + databasecontract.stepentry.column_short_description + ", " +     "'' " + databasecontract.stepentry.column_description + ", " +     "'' " + databasecontract.stepentry.column_video_url + ", " +     "'' " + databasecontract.stepentry.column_thumbnail_url +     " union select " +     databasecontract.stepentry._id + ", " +     databasecontract.stepentry.column_id_recipe + ", " +     databasecontract.stepentry.column_short_description + ", " +     databasecontract.stepentry.column_description + ", " +     databasecontract.stepentry.column_video_url + ", " +     databasecontract.stepentry.column_thumbnail_url + ", " +     "from step " + databasecontract.stepentry.column_id_recipe + " = " +     string.valueof(recipeid); 

how possible see above, query has 1 parameter, recipeid.

i'd glad tip put me on right track.

thank time , assistance in matter.


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