ios - Linphone error You must fill a reason when changing call state -

i trying decline incoming call code below , keep getting exception on linphone_core_terminate_call , message of must fill reason when changing call state

let call = linphone_core_get_current_call(lc) if call != nil {     linphone_core_terminate_call(lc, call) } else {     var currentcall = linphone_core_get_current_call(lc)     if currentcall == nil && linphone_core_get_calls_nb(lc) == 1 {         currentcall = linphone_core_get_calls(lc) as?  opaquepointer!         linphone_core_terminate_call(lc, currentcall)     } } 

i tried:

linphone_core_decline_call(lc, call, linphonereasondeclined) 

and get: 2017-08-14 13:21:01:260 ortp-message-terminate call [0x1038b1600] in state linphonecallincomingreceived

2017-08-14 12:43:52:065 ortp-error-linphone_call_set_state(): must fill reason when changing call state (from linphonecallincomingreceived o linphonecallerror).


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