javascript - Offline App with depended ajax dropdowns - using local sqlitedb -

i have offline "app" (web page) using combination of html/css/js/sqlite/json working -- leveraging google chrome. able store submitted data local form local sqlite db - via js. have button click function feed submitted local data cloud - remote internet mysql database. along -- have simple html button when clicked - can refresh remote data cloud (mysql database) local pc (sqlite) - refreshing local users sqlite source data - using json/php apis (pushing , pulling data)

the 1 thing struggling with, how overcome (w/o creating full blow app or installing wamp/xampp) development of these local web pages use ajax drive dependent drop-down menu selections - on local form (for example: selecting state drive menu city names) - within console error log see "cross origin requests supported protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https" messages.

is possible this? - ....where of code on local device? (without php , web server) - if so, recommendations? can of if on our public web server - effort, need of locally.


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