javascript - VueJS extend component: remove parent's property -

i have 2 vue components, 1 extends other:

// compa.vue  export default {     props: {         value1: object,     },      data: function () {         return {             value2: 'hello2 a',             value3: 'hello3 a'         }     } }  // compb.vue  import compa './compa.vue';  export default {     extends: compa,      props: {         value4: object     },      data: function(){         return {             value2: 'hello2 b'         }     } } 

as described in docs, compb's options merged compa's, resulting:

{     props: {         value1: object,         value4: object     },      data: function () {         return {             value2: 'hello2 b',             value3: 'hello3 a'         }     } } 

however desired result having property value1 removed:

{     props: {         value4: object     },      data: function () {         return {             value2: 'hello2 b',             value3: 'hello3 a'         }     } } 

i think should possible using custom option merge strategies

but if return null or undefined, property isn't removed. = function(parentval, childval) {     return null; }; 

is possible such thing? if yes, how?

it's not quite clear me how vue.config.optionmergestrategies works work in test environment.

import compa './compa.vue'; // make deep clone copy of compa. here i'm using made copy // function use lodash or other library. not use // json.parse(json.stringify(...)) because lose functions. // object.assign not work because object.assign performs shallow // copy (meaning if delete props, nested object, // still globally delete property). import copy "./utils"  //copy compa let newcompa = copy(compa)     // delete desired props delete newcompa.props.value1  export default {     // extend copy     extends: newcompa,      props: {         value4: object     },      data: function(){         return {             value2: 'hello2 b'         }     } } 

essentially, delete props not want before extend component.


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