PHP Find Match in Array Key and Sum the Value -


array (     [address check failed, address discrepancy] => 716     [ssn check failed, dob check failed] => 15     [dob check failed] => 139     [no issues] => 189     [dob check failed, address discrepancy] => 51     [dob check failed, address check failed, address discrepancy] => 23     [ssn check failed] => 3     [address discrepancy] => 33 ) 

i need sum value of key not contain phrase "ssn check failed"

i using function:

function in_array_r($needle, $haystack, $strict = true) { foreach ($haystack $item) {     if (($strict ? $item === $needle : $item == $needle) || (is_array($item) && in_array_r($needle, $item, $strict))) {         return true;     } }  return false; } 

like this:

foreach ($issues_totals $key => $value){      if (!in_array_r("ssn check failed", $key)){      $total_with_no_issue += $value;    } } 

where $issues_totals above array , $total_with_no_issue value looking for. problem code $total_with_no_issue returning 1169, total of entire array. want return 1151.

any appreciated!

you can use array_filter exclude keys contain target string:

$valid = array_filter($array, function ($e) {     return strpos($e, 'ssn check failed') === false; }, array_filter_use_key); 

and use array_sum fetch total of rest:

$total_with_no_issue = array_sum($valid); 

this returns 1151 not 1159 mentioned, see


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