ios - UIStoryboard 'init(name:bundle)' issue in RELEASE config -

i'm seeing following error when trying build app in release configuration. seems working fine when build same app in debug mode.

uistoryboard 'init(name:bundle)' unavailable: use object construction' uistoryboard(name:bundle)' 'init(name:bundle)' has been explicitly marked unavailable here.

i'm sure same code running fine few days (without error) in release config.

here line throwing error:

let storyboard = uistoryboard(name: "main", bundle: bundle.main)

i'm compiling in xcode version 8.3.3 (8e3004b).

thank you.

it seems xcode or swift compiler bug. there error in project (only in release config)

filteredfavoritelist = searchtext.isempty ? [] : favoritelist.filter({(report: anyobject) -> bool in     return report.reporttitle.localizedcaseinsensitivecontains(searchtext) }) 

as "report" of type anyobject not have property "reporttitle", piece of code throwing error in relese config (it working in debug config though).

i put below fix below:

filteredfavoritelist = searchtext.isempty ? [] : favoritelist.filter({(report: anyobject) -> bool in     if let report = report as? myclass{         return report.reporttitle.localizedcaseinsensitivecontains(searchtext)     }else{         return false     } }) 

and there no more uistoryboard errors , i'm able build app in release config.

so there no error in line throwing error here due other reasons/errors.. strange true.

let storyboard = uistoryboard(name: "main", bundle: bundle.main) 

thank you.


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