vba - Can't delete rows containing certain keyword within text -

i have written macro remove rows containing text in it. if either of keyword contains text, macro delete row. however, macro doesn't work @ all. perhaps, did wrong in it. hope me rectify this. in advance.

here i'm trying with:

sub customized_row_removal()     dim long     = 2     until cells(i, 1).value = ""         if cells(i, 1).value = "mth" or "rtd" or "npt"             cells(i, 1).select             selection.entirerow.delete         end if         = + 1     loop end sub 

the keyword within text searching in delete:

airline drive owner mth rtd repairs inc aana michael b et al abass oladokun abbott npt p airline aana mth abass repairs npt 

try this.
using lcase.

sub customized_row_removal()     dim rngdb range, rngu range, rng range     dim ws worksheet      set ws = sheets(1)     ws         set rngdb = .range("a2", .range("a" & rows.count))     end      each rng in rngdb         if instr(lcase(rng), "mth") or instr(lcase(rng), "rtd") or instr(lcase(rng), "npt")             if rngu nothing                 set rngu = rng             else                 set rngu = union(rngu, rng)             end if         end if     next rng     if rngu nothing     else         rngu.entirerow.delete     end if end sub 


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