c++ - C++11 support in NativeLibrary for Android -

i'm trying create native library in c++, can use in android. i've created project in visual studio 2017: dynamic shared library (android), , added cpp code.

though of code running c++11, , i'd keep way. when compile, error:

this file requires compiler , library support iso c++ 2011 standard.  support experimental, , must enabled -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options. 

so first tried going project->properties->c/c++->language->c++ language standard, , set options following:


when compile now, same error. tried manually adding -std=c++11 flag under additional options, though still getting error.

why compiler not willing compile using ++11 standard, , can fix this? know it's experimental, should @ least try compile.

best regards

the problem solved, when changed settings platforms, , not arm.


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