curl - Use elastic/elasticsearch-php to scroll documents but got 404 exception -

i using official elastic/elasticsearch-php scroll documents got 404 exception when sending second scroll request. here comes code.

$client = clientbuilder::create()->sethosts(['mykibana.domain'])->build();  $params = [     'index' => 'my_index',     'scroll' => '30s',     'size' => 100,     'body' => [         'query' => [             'filtered' => [                 'query' => [                     'query_string' => [                         'query' => "\"https://myapplication.domain/orders\"",                         'analyze_wildcard' => true                     ]                 ]             ]          ]      ]  ]; $response = $client->search($params);  while (isset($response['hits']['hits']) && count($response['hits']['hits']) > 0) {     // processing $response['hits']['hits']...     $scrollid = $response['_scroll_id'];     $response = $client->scroll([             'scroll_id' => $scrollid,             'scroll' => '30s'         ]     ); } 

the while loop same scroll sample in elasticsearch documentation

the error [elasticsearch\common\exceptions\missing404exception] {"statuscode":404,"error":"not found"}.

software version: php 5.6.3 , elastic/elasticsearch-php 2.0.

appreciate help!

update: tried use curl directly scroll documents again got 404 exception @ second curl. ideas?

curl 'http://mykibana.domain/my_index/_search?pretty&scroll=30s' -h 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"size":10, "query":{"filtered":{"query":{"query_string":{"query":"\"https://myapplication.domain/orders\"","analyze_wildcard":true}}}}}'  curl 'http://mykibana.domain/_search/scroll' -h 'content-type: application/json' -h 'kbn-version: 4.4.2' -d '{"scroll":"30s","scroll_id":"cxvlcnluagvurmv0y2g7ntszmtyynze6zfvzvwlmn29sefdpovzwwvy3rta1qtszmtyynzi6zfvzvwlmn29sefdpovzwwvy3rta1qtszmtyynzu6zfvzvwlmn29sefdpovzwwvy3rta1qtszmtyynzq6zfvzvwlmn29sefdpovzwwvy3rta1qtszmtyynzm6zfvzvwlmn29sefdpovzwwvy3rta1qtswow=="}' 


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