javascript - Ionic shows a blank page without any error -

i getting blank pages ionic. no errors show in chrome debugger. , when inspect debugger, saw nothing inside of ion-nav-view, means reason ui router not working. need in figuring out error.

here code:


 <!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <meta charset="utf-8">     <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">     <title></title>      <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">      <!-- un-comment code enable service worker     <script>       if ('serviceworker' in navigator) {         navigator.serviceworker.register('service-worker.js')           .then(() => console.log('service worker installed'))           .catch(err => console.log('error', err));       }     </script>-->      <link href="lib/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">     <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">      <!-- if using sass (run gulp sass first), uncomment below , remove css includes above     <link href="css/" rel="stylesheet">     -->      <!-- ionic/angularjs js -->     <script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>     <script src="lib/ionic/js/angular/angular-resource.min.js"></script>     <script src="lib/ionic/js/angular-ui/angular-ui-router.min.js"></script>     <script src="lib/ngcordova/dist/ng-cordova.js"></script>      <!-- cordova script (this 404 during development) -->     <script src="cordova.js"></script>      <!-- app's js -->     <script src="js/app.js"></script>     <script src="js/services.js"></script>     <script src="js/controllers.js"></script>   </head>    <body ng-app="watchhoursapp">     <ion-nav-view>     </ion-nav-view>   </body> </html> 


<ion-side-menus enable-menu-with-back-views="false">   <ion-side-menu-content>     <ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable">       <ion-nav-back-button>       </ion-nav-back-button>        <ion-nav-buttons side="left">         <button class="button button-icon button-clear ion-navicon" menu-toggle="left">         </button>       </ion-nav-buttons>     </ion-nav-bar>     <ion-nav-view name="menucontent"></ion-nav-view>   </ion-side-menu-content>    <ion-side-menu side="left">     <ion-header-bar class="bar-stable"  >       <h1 class="title">watchhours</h1>     </ion-header-bar>     <ion-content>       <ion-list>         <ion-item menu-close ui-sref="app">           home          </ion-item>         <ion-item menu-close ng-if="currentuser" ui-sref="app.user({id: uid})">           {{username}}         </ion-item>         <ion-item menu-close ui-sref="">           tv shows         </ion-item>         <ion-item menu-close ng-if="!currentuser" ng-click="login()">           log in         </ion-item>         <ion-item menu-close ng-if="!currentuser" ng-click="register()">           sign         </ion-item>         <ion-item menu-close ng-if="currentuser" ng-click="logout()">           log out         </ion-item>       </ion-list>     </ion-content>   </ion-side-menu> </ion-side-menus> 


// ionic starter app  // angular.module global place creating, registering , retrieving angular modules // 'starter' name of angular module example (also set in <body> attribute in index.html) // 2nd parameter array of 'requires' // 'starter.controllers' found in controllers.js angular.module('watchhoursapp', ['ionic'])  .run(function($ionicplatform) {   $ionicplatform.ready(function() {     // hide accessory bar default (remove show accessory bar above keyboard     // form inputs)     if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.keyboard) {       cordova.plugins.keyboard.hidekeyboardaccessorybar(true);       cordova.plugins.keyboard.disablescroll(true);      }     if (window.statusbar) {       // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required       statusbar.styledefault();     }   }); })  .config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider) {   $stateprovider     .state('app', {       url: '/app',       abstract: true,       templateurl: 'templates/menu.html',       controller: 'sidemenuctrl'   });   // if none of above states matched, use fallback   $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/app'); }); 


angular.module('watchhoursapp')  .controller('sidemenuctrl', ['$scope', '$state', '$rootscope', 'shows', '$http',    '$location', '$localstorage', 'homeservices', 'authfactory',   '$ionicmodal', '$ionicsidemenudelegate', '$timeout',   function ($scope, $state, $rootscope, shows, $http,      $location, $localstorage, homeservices,     authfactory, $ionicmodal, $ionicsidemenudelegate, $timeout) {     console.log("hello");   // new view caching in ionic, controllers called   // when recreated or on app start, instead of every page change.   // listen when page active (for example, refresh data),   // listen $ionicview.enter event:   //$scope.$on('$ionicview.enter', function(e) {   //});     // form data login modal     $scope.logindata = $localstorage.getobject('userinfo','{}');     $scope.reservation = {};     $scope.registration = {};     $rootscope.currentuser = false;     $rootscope.username = '';     $rootscope.admin = false;     $rootscope.uid = '';     $rootscope.isverified = false;      if(authfactory.isauthenticated()) {       $rootscope.currentuser = true;       $rootscope.username = authfactory.getusername();       $rootscope.admin = authfactory.isadmin();       $rootscope.isverified = authfactory.isverified();       $rootscope.uid = authfactory.uid();     }      // create login modal use later     $ionicmodal.fromtemplateurl('templates/login.html', {         scope: $scope     }).then(function (modal) {         $scope.modal = modal;     });      // triggered in login modal close     $scope.closelogin = function () {         $scope.modal.hide();     };      // open login modal     $scope.login = function () {         $;     };      // perform login action when user submits login form     $scope.dologin = function () {         console.log('doing login', $scope.logindata);         $localstorage.storeobject('userinfo',$scope.logindata);         authfactory.login($scope.logindata);         $scope.closelogin();     };      $scope.logout = function() {         authfactory.logout();         $rootscope.currentuser = false;         $rootscope.username = '';         $rootscope.admin = false;         $rootscope.isverified = false;         $rootscope.uid = '';         $state.go("app");     };      // on successful login     $rootscope.$on('login:successful', function () {         $rootscope.currentuser = authfactory.isauthenticated();         $rootscope.username = authfactory.getusername();         $rootscope.admin = authfactory.isadmin();         $rootscope.uid = authfactory.uid();         $rootscope.isverified = authfactory.isverified();     });      // create login modal use later     $ionicmodal.fromtemplateurl('templates/register.html', {         scope: $scope     }).then(function (modal) {         $scope.registerform = modal;     });      // triggered in login modal close     $scope.closeregister = function () {         $scope.registerform.hide();     };      // open login modal     $scope.register = function() {         $;     };      // perform login action when user submits login form     $scope.doregister = function() {         console.log('doing registration', $scope.registration);         $scope.logindata.username = $scope.registration.username;         $scope.logindata.password = $scope.registration.password;          authfactory.register($scope.registration);         // simulate login delay. remove , replace login         // code if using login system         $timeout(function () {             $scope.closeregister();         }, 1000);     };      // on successful registration     $rootscope.$on('registration:successful', function () {         $rootscope.currentuser = authfactory.isauthenticated();         $rootscope.username = authfactory.getusername();         $rootscope.admin = authfactory.isadmin();         $rootscope.uid = authfactory.uid();         $rootscope.isverified = authfactory.isverified();     });      $scope.toggleleft = function() {         $ionicsidemenudelegate.toggleleft();       }; }]); 

you need inject ui-router module in angular app initialization.

angular.module('watchhoursapp', ['ionic','ui.router'])


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