VBA Pdf Excel with ShellExecute not pasting to Excel -

i've been trying vba in excel copy pdf excel.

i tried different things, list below in case wants try fortune:

  • i tried code here, indicate enable reference, seems work if have acrobat pro installed.

  • use shell , shellexecute: tried code here, kept getting error when pdf opening saying not find file. tried using shellexecute following commentshere , code here, couldn't manage make work.

finally, using shellexecute found code here allows me open pdf file without error

private declare function shellexecute lib "shell32.dll" alias "shellexecutea" _ (byval hwnd long, byval lpoperation string, byval lpfile string, _ byval lpparameters string, byval lpdirectory string, byval nshowcmd long) long  sub evn()     filename = "c:\test.pdf"      shellexecute 0, "open", filename, "", "", vbnormalnofocus end sub 

the problem how copy contents once i've opened file. tried adding following after file open:

' select using ctrl sendkeys "^a", true ' wait 2 secs application.wait + timevalue("00:00:2") ' copy using ctrl c sendkeys "^c" ' wait 2 secs application.wait + timevalue("00:00:2") ' activate wokbook windows("pdftoexcel.xlsb").activate range("a2").select activesheet.paste 

but error message when gets range("a2").select saying run-time error 1004: application-defined or object-defined error.

is there way succesfully copy contents of pdf file once open paste in excel?


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