javascript - Warning script not working on Explorer 11 -

i created website it's mandatory inform viewers if leaving website. i'm using javascript function. problem have won't work on explorer 11. or, more specifically, received report customer informing me exact version of explorer using 11.0.9600.18738.

i have tested site on of versions of explorer, chrome, firefox, mobile device (several browser versions) , tablet, , functioning except, of course, version of explorer reported customer.

i have screen capture customer: enter image description here

the code have links looks this:

<a href="javascript:external('')" target="_blank" title="visit clay center dispatch newspaper website, local newspaper , community pages."><i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;clay center dispatch (local newspaper , community pages)</a> 

when customer makes selection on version of explorer comes url (as shown in screen capture):


which, of course, doesn't exist.

external built-in object in ie. use different function name.

also, target="_blank" won't run urls in own context, can't call functions @ all.
should use click event handler instead.


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