hbase - External table when queried from HIVE returns NULL for decimal datatypes -

i sqooped mysql table hbase , try create external table in hive.

i have column of decimal (38,1) in mysql moved hbase.

now while creating external table hive , while fetching records getting null values. remaining values arr string data type hive external table holds values.

while creating external table in hive data type used decimal(38,1).

any other solutions getting actual values in hive external table?

create table:

create external table namespace.tablename(c1 string,c2_col string,c3_col decimal(38,1),c4_col string)  stored 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.hbasestoragehandler' serdeproperties  ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,cf1:a,cf1:b,cf1:c")tblproperties("hbase.table.name" = "namespace.hbasetablename"); 

remaining values fetched 1 column decimal (38,1) mysql moved hbase. hbase hive there mismatch column

sqoop serializes values hbase converting each field string representation (as if importing hdfs in text mode), , inserts utf-8 bytes of string in target cell.

since hbase holds data string format query trying find decimal, therefore getting null result. suggests create hive table string datatype , cast in decimal format during query.


select cast('string_col' decimal(38,1)) string_col table; 


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