javascript - Onclick confirm() not working when echoed by PHP -

i'm trying use javacript confirm() box via php echo below , it's not working.

echo '<a href="" class="box" target="_self" oncontextmenu="return false;" onclick="confirm(\"are sure want enter users\'s room?\");\">user\'s room</a>'; 

what missing here?

you can't escape quotes inside html attributes, onclick="confirm(\"...\");" won't work. put single quotes around string. , since it's inside php single-quoted string, need escape them php.

and since string contains apostrophe inside it, need escape javascript. have double backslashes literal backslash php string. , third backslash escape php.

echo '<a href="" class="box" target="_self" oncontextmenu="return false;" onclick="confirm(\'are sure want enter users\\\'s room?\');\">user\'s room</a>'; 


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