amazon web services - CI/CD process with Jenkins or Chef -

suppose have following jobs: 1: detect there new war file on s3. 2: pull s3 bucket. 3: stop wildfly server 4: replace war file on wildfly server 5: restart wildfly server enter image description here

the diagram using jenkins example. wildfly , appeon on ec2 instance. because of licensing issue, can't use cft create new instance every time, have assume these steps done within ec2 instance.

let's assume failover not issue.

two routes done, 1 using jenkins, jenkins watch s3 bucket, , stop, replace, restart server , war, without creating new instance every time.

the other using chef on instance, check s3 bucket every 5 minutes, example, if there new war file, pull down. (suppose war file name doesn't change...), using magic script stop server, replace war file, restart server, run on same instance.

since don't know ci/cd, jenkins, or chef.

so advice or example help! in advance!

if you're doing, chef waaaaaay overkill. simple bash script run cron (or systemd timer unit if want super fancy) fine. start small , try not overcomplicate things, more moving pieces in deployment pipeline, more things can potentially break (usually @ worst time).


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