javascript - Get data URL from video stream? -

i have video (webm) capture script works fine. records video offers download. pertinent part of code this:

stopbtn.addeventlistener('click', function() {     recorder.ondataavailable = e => { = 'block';         var = document.createelement('a'),             li = document.createelement('li'); = ['video_', (new date() + '').slice(4, 28), '.'+vid_format].join('');         a.textcontent =;         a.href = url.createobjecturl(stream); //<-- deprecated usage?         li.appendchild(a);         ul.appendchild(li);     };     recorder.stop();     startbtn.removeattribute('disabled');     stopbtn.disabled = true; }, false); 

this works, say. however, console says passing media streams url.createobjecturl deprecated, , should use htmlmediaelement srcobject instead.

so changed to:

a.href = url.createobjecturl(video.srcobject); 

...and although still works, same warning.

does know how can url or blob data without deprecated way?

i have tried reading src , currentsrc properties video element, come empty stream involved.

i surprised code did work...

if stream mediastream, browser should not know size have download, not when stop downloading (it's stream).

mediarecorder#ondataavailable expose event data property filled chunk of recorded mediastream. in event, have store these chunks in array, , download concatenation of these blobs chunks, in mediarecorder#onstop event.

const stream = getcanvasstream(); // we'll use canvas stream works in stacksnippet  const chunks = []; // store our blobs chunks  const recorder = new mediarecorder(stream);  recorder.ondataavailable = e => chunks.push(; // new chunk blob given in event  recorder.onstop = exportvid; // when recorder stops, export whole;  settimeout(() => recorder.stop(), 5000); // stop in 5s  recorder.start(1000); // chunks 1s    function exportvid() {    var blob = new blob(chunks); // here concatenate our chunks in single blob    var url = url.createobjecturl(blob); // creat bloburl blob    var = document.createelement('a');    a.href = url;    a.innerhtml = 'download'; = 'myfile.webm';    document.body.appendchild(a);    stream.gettracks().foreach(t => t.stop()); // never bad close stream when not needed anymore  }      function getcanvasstream() {    const canvas = document.createelement('canvas');    const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d');    ctx.fillstyle = 'red';    // simple animation recorded    let x = 0;    const anim = t => {      x = (x + 2) % 300;      ctx.clearrect(0, 0, 300, 150);      ctx.fillrect(x, 0, 10, 10);      requestanimationframe(anim);    }    anim();    document.body.appendchild(canvas);    return canvas.capturestream(30);  }

url.createobjecturl(mediastream) used <video> elements. led difficulties browsers close physical devices access, since bloburls can have longer lifetime current document.
deprecated call createobjecturl mediastream, , 1 should use mediaelement.srcobject = mediastream instead.


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