git - How to use difftool and mergetool on Windows 10 Ubuntu bash -

i use windows 10 ubuntu bash. want use visual diff/merge tool git. installed p4merge on windows (followed artice) , configured git .gitconfig file following way (i adjusted paths accessible windows 10 ubuntu bash):

[merge]     tool = p4merge [mergetool "p4merge"]     path = /mnt/c/program files/perforce/p4merge.exe [mergetool]     prompt = false [diff]     tool = p4merge [difftool "p4merge"]     path = /mnt/c/program files/perforce/p4merge.exe [difftool]     prompt = false 

additionally, added following folder bash path variable in .bashrc make callable anywhere:

 export path=$path:"/mnt/c/program files/perforce" 

so problem if call git difftool in bash - investigate changes p4merge - got following messages

  • in bash: unable translate current working directory. using c:\windows\system32.
  • the p4merge application started right after call gives following message: error: ... point invalid file.

if understand right, problem may emanate fact windows program (namely p4merge) not find file referenced linux file path (e.g. /mnt/c/..).

is there way solve kind of problem? (maybe more general problem: using linux path windows application.)

anyway, not insist on using p4merge similar visual tool compare differences , make merge possible.

any information can provide me appreciated.


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