visual studio 2013 - NuGet Command-line options for uninstalling/reinstalling packages for TFS/VS2013 and NuGet 3.4.3 -

i modified solution , deleted 1 of .csproj files , instead packaged .dlls nuget package. added package 2 other .csproj files reference .dlls. - builds locally, can't build on build server. when @ code gotten out of tfs build see packages.config both projects have correct reference nuget package, when open solution in vs references have little yellow exclamation marks next them because they're broken references. way can build open nuget cmi , execute uninstall-package package-name , install-package package-name. references good. when in packages.config of main project contains correct reference package. i've given on getting tfs correctly grab package, since install-package , uninstall-package cmi commands can't automate (or can i)? know if way automate happen after source pulled tfs before build?

the yellow exclamation marks issue should related reference path. when download source tfs location, system cannot find references original reference path changed.

so, need reinstall package, can use nuget command line in package manager console:

update-package -reinstall 


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