javascript - i18next multilanguage site with URL change -

i trying add multiple language support web-site, doesn't have .php files , doing i18next. urls need www.mysite/en/about/. decided make that

 window.history.pushstate("", "", '/en' + window.location.pathname); 

and on changing language:

 $('.lang').on("change", function() {     window.history.pushstate("", "", '/' + $(this).val() + window.location.pathname.substring(3));     i18next.changelanguage($(this).val(), function() {        $('.page_text').localize();        $('.info').localize();     });  }); 

the problem when shares link www.mysite/fr/about/ gets error. can redirect www.mysite/about/ via .htaccess, how can language "/fr" parameter?

if know other ways around without using .htaccess, i'll glad hear them out.

thank help.


the error 404. routing folders .html files.


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