angularjs - Cordova 7.x app crashes on older Android devices (Samsung Note 4/ Samsung S5..) -

i have application built using cordova 7.x/angularjs 1.x has functionality take picture using camera - seems work on new android device (less 12 months old) on older devices such galaxy note 4 & galaxy s5 seems struggle after few minutes of usage , close app.

i have viewed android abd logcat , can see following :-

17:42:28.731 16736-16915/ a/chromium: [] out of memory. size=63492096 17:42:28.731 16736-16915/ a/libc: fatal signal 6 (sigabrt), code -6 in tid 16915 (compositortilew) 17:42:29.951 16736-16736/ i/choreographer: skipped 70 frames!  application may doing work on main thread.* 

clearly out of memory obvious problem using ng-file-upload angular plugin upload photo camera uses whatever current camera settings are. instance, lot of users won't change camera settings default highest (e.g 16m 5312x2988) - if drop these settings in camera application crashing seems stop (or @ least less frequent?)

i have tried android studio monitor gauge status of phone before , after crashes , not see obvious issues memory usage in android monitor.

what next steps debug application crashes 'semi-regularly' in manner?

-- error in adb logcat isn't same either --

a/libc: fatal signal 4 (sigill), code 1, fault addr 0x9cef1e96 in tid 21795 (chrome_inprocre)

there seems lot of high gpu & cpu spikes

enter image description here

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