visual studio - msbuild: The connection in the publish profile has changed from what is currently declared for -

while trying publish website following error mean

error : publish database setting source verification error: connection 'cs' in publish profile has changed declared 'cs (......\web.config)'. because of publishing has been blocked. if intended can disable check specifying value of "true" msbuild property "ignoredatabasesettingoutofsync." if not intended, open publish dialog in visual studio profile correct discrepancy. more information visit

thanks in advance.

msbuild: connection in publish profile has changed declared for

at time of publishing, .net assumes have placed encoded values in settings , during publish process, decodes these values causes problem. so, encoded value of connection in publish profile , web.config not have same value database.

to resolve error, can try error suggesting: setting msbuild property "ignoredatabasesettingoutofsync=true"

<propertygroup>   <ignoredatabasesettingoutofsync>true</ignoredatabasesettingoutofsync> </propertygroup> 

or correct discrepancy between publish profile , web.config.


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