javascript - What's the right way of defining event handler in ReactJS Component? -

there different ways of defining event handlers in reactjs component jsx syntax.

<input onchange={this.handlechange.bind(this)}></input>  // inline binding 


<input onchange={() => this.handlechange()}></input>  // using arrow function 

both allow handlechange function access this scope of component.

i have been using first syntax more clear in readability.

are there advantages or use cases use 1 on another?

from react docs

class loggingbutton extends react.component {   handleclick() {     console.log('this is:', this);   }    render() {     // syntax ensures `this` bound within handleclick     return (       <button onclick={(e) => this.handleclick(e)}>         click me       </button>     );   } } 

the problem syntax different callback created each time loggingbutton renders. in cases, fine. however, if callback passed prop lower components, components might re-rendering. recommend binding in constructor or using property initializer syntax, avoid sort of performance problem.

so, should use bind , can in 2 ways.

from react docs

class toggle extends react.component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = {istoggleon: true};      // binding necessary make `this` work in callback     this.handleclick = this.handleclick.bind(this);   }    handleclick() {     this.setstate(prevstate => ({       istoggleon: !prevstate.istoggleon     }));   }    render() {     return (       <button onclick={this.handleclick}>         {this.state.istoggleon ? 'on' : 'off'}       </button>     );   } } 

and if bind annoys you, can this

class loggingbutton extends react.component {   // syntax ensures `this` bound within handleclick.   // warning: *experimental* syntax.   handleclick = () => {     console.log('this is:', this);   }    render() {     return (       <button onclick={this.handleclick}>         click me       </button>     );   } } 

the advantage can think of using 1 on other in top approach can pass parameters handleclick function. can't think of situation on might that.

class toggle extends react.component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = {istoggleon: true};   }    handleclick(e, something) {     this.setstate(prevstate => ({       istoggleon: !prevstate.istoggleon     }));     alert(something)   }    render() {     return (       <button onclick={(e) => this.handleclick(e, "yo!")}>         {this.state.istoggleon ? 'on' : 'off'}       </button>     );   } }  reactdom.render(   <toggle />,   document.getelementbyid('root') ); 


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