c# - Download progress with a logging callback? -

i have headscratcher of challenge here.

i have web application running in azure, @ point expose sas uri (download link) users download files our azure storage.

the problem cannot keep track of exact count of content downloaded.

i can assume when produce download link user, file downloaded. perhaps wasn't.

i've looked @ azure logs , don't think find want in there.

is there way have user download file controller method, , have callback being executed every once in while hold transfer progress log somewhere , know user download much.

i'm thinking signalr too. used purpose ?


the problem cannot keep track of exact count of content downloaded.

if azure storage diagnostics feature turned on, read/write/delete operations on blob logged, can download (getblob operation) count specified blob diagnostics logs.

besides, if users enabled download blobs mvc application, can update & save download count in external storage in controller action, , this thread discussed similar issue. if expose sas uri directly, user has valid , not-expired sas uri can enter sas uri in browser , download blob, difficult trace download count of blobs downloaded in way.


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