url - Possible side effect using comma in querystring? -

i'd use , in url querystring value it reserved character. however, can see many e-commerce sites give comma-galore querystring urls in these days.

what consider when use , in querystring? should encoded %2c always?

note server-side frameworks asp.net webapi, django, , node.js.

the uri standard doesn’t define delimiters query component. none of reserved characters have special role there, represent data.

the query component may contain following characters:

  • a-z, a-z
  • 0-9
  • / ? : @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = - . _ ~
  • percent-encoded characters

so may use , and/or %2c in query component. note , , %2c not equivalent normalization purposes (because , part of reserved set).

all of above generic uri syntax. uri schemes may define additional delimiters (from reserved set) components, http/https uri scheme spec doesn’t query component.

a possible side effect (like many other allowed characters, too) some auto-linking algorithms might not work correctly.

(the applications use may of course specific , in query strings, nothing special character, happen other character, too.)


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