sonarqube - How should old resurfaced technical debt be handled within leak period? -

we have on-premises installation of sonarqube, , after upgrading version 6.0 6.5 noticed several bugs , code smells old 2012 have resurfaced. wasn’t expecting happen, per sonarqube 6.3 release notes – see section “remove noise on leak period newly activated rules”.

since old , have no plans handle them now, impacting our gate status – red – , don’t see how can rid of them in proper way.

i can think of 2 options:

  • shorten leak period, not approach existing valid smells in leak period considered technical debt;
  • mark them "false positive" or "won’t fix", not idea lose traceability of existing bugs , smells plan fix 1 day.

in such cases, what's best approach taken?


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