javascript - Is VueJS guaranteed to call mounted() in correct order? -

let's have basic page vuejs follows:

vue.component('child', {    template: '<p>placed @ index {{index}}</p>',    data() {      return {        index: 0      }    },    mounted() {      this.index = this.$parent.addelement(this);    }  });    new vue({    el: '#theparent',    data() {      return {        allelements: []      }    },    methods: {      addelement(elem) {        this.allelements.push(elem);        return this.allelements.length - 1;      }    }  });
<script src=""></script>  <div id="theparent">      <child></child>      <child></child>      <child></child>  </div>

the purpose of output illustrate @ index elements have been inserted at. use case requires elements added in same order appear in html. every time run page appears indeed happening output in order.

my question is: behavior guaranteed happen - vuejs execute mounted() on components in order appear in html? if not, there alternate way guarantee added array in proper order?


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