java - Retrofit object returned as null -

i've built retrofitservice return objects. in mainactivity call service simple button click. seem getting kind of object, don't feel it's being returned rest api specified. shows in debugger attributes null:

bfetch.setonclicklistener(v -> {  v.startanimation(animationutils.loadanimation(this, r.anim.image_click));  retrofitservice service = servicefactory.createretrofitservice(retrofitservice.class, retrofitservice.service_endpoint);  service.getposts()  .subscribeon(schedulers.newthread())  .observeon(androidschedulers.mainthread())  .subscribe(new subscriber < post > () {   @override   public final void oncompleted() {    log.e("retrofitservice", "retrofit request completed!");   }    @override   public final void onerror(throwable e) {    log.e("retrofitservice", e.getmessage());   }    @override   public final void onnext(post post) {    if (post != null) {     // todo: object returned properties null     log.e("retrofitservice", "returned objects: " + post);     log.e("retrofitservice", "object id: " + post.getobjectid());     mcardadapter.adddata(post);    } else {     log.e("retrofitservice", "object returned null.");    }    }   });  });  } 

enter image description here


public interface retrofitservice {   string service_endpoint = "";   @headers({   "x-parse-application-id: asdf",   "x-parse-rest-api-key: asdf"  })  @get("/classes/post")  observable < post > getposts();   /*curl -x \          -h "x-parse-application-id: asdf" \          -h "x-parse-rest-api-key: asdf" \*/  } 

the curl works fine. i'm not getting errors. going wrong? @get method incorrect somehow?`

for completion, here servicefactory class:

public class servicefactory {      /**      * creates retrofit service arbitrary class (clazz)      * @param clazz java interface of retrofit service      * @param endpoint rest endpoint url      * @return retrofit service defined endpoint      */     public static <t> t createretrofitservice(final class<t> clazz, final string endpoint) {         final restadapter restadapter = new restadapter.builder()                 .setendpoint(endpoint)                 .build();         t service = restadapter.create(clazz);          return service;     } } 

and build.gradle because i'm aware there inconsistencies across different retrofit versions:

dependencies {      compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])     androidtestcompile('', {         exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'     })     compile ''     compile ''     testcompile 'junit:junit:4.12'      /* reactivex */     compile 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.0.17'     compile 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:0.23.0'      /* retrofit */     compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.9.0'      /* okhttp3 */     compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.1'      /* recylerview */     compile ''      /* cardview */     compile ''      /* parse */     compile 'com.parse:parse-android:1.13.0'  } 

post class:

public class post implements serializable {      private static final string class_name = "post";      private string objectid;     private string text;      public post(string objectid) {         this.setobjectid(objectid);     }      public static string getclassname() {         return class_name;     }      public string getobjectid() {         return objectid;     }      private void setobjectid(string objectid) {         this.objectid = objectid;     }      public string gettext() {         return text;     }      public void settext(string text) {         this.text = text;     } 

curl response:

>   % total    % received % xferd  average speed   time    time     time  current                                  dload  upload   total   spent    left  speed 100   259  100   259    0     0    360      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   395{"results":[{"objectid":"ktefgr1pft","text":"hello world.","createdat":"2017-08-14t14:07:52.826z","updatedat":"2017-08-14t14:07:52.826z"},{"objectid":"mmh8l9gjck","text":"hello?","createdat":"2017-08-14t15:19:01.515z","updatedat":"2017-08-14t15:19:03.743z"}]} 

final update: changed onnext() method of retrofitservice pass cardadapter, although isn't shown here , surpasses scope of question.

@override public final void onnext(postresponse postresponse) {  if (postresponse != null) {   // todo: object returned properties null   log.e("retrofitservice", "objects added recyclerview adapter.");   log.e("retrofitservice", "returned objects: " + postresponse.getresults());   log.e("retrofitservice", "text " + postresponse.getresults().get(0).gettext());    mcardadapter.adddata(postresponse);   //  } else {   log.e("retrofitservice", "object returned null.");  }  } 

try use following class in retrofitservice

@get("/classes/post") observable <postresponse> getposts(); 

postresponse wrapper class

public class postresponse {     private list<post> results;      public list<post> getresults() {         return results;     }      public void setresults(list<post> results) {         this.results = results;     } } 


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