c# - Dynamically create an instance of a type from an assembly that is already referenced (but never accessed) -

using .net core console app

i have assembly runner.exe has reference functions.dll. inside functions.dll there's class called functions.mylibary

from runner.exe want create instance of functions.mylibary (using qualified string name)

i've tried how dynamically load assemblies in dotnet core. unfortunately works if assembly functions.dll not referenced.

assembly.getentryassembly().getreferencedassemblies() doesn't contain informations functions.dll. (if don't use classes functions.dll)

any clue how solve issue?

in runner.exe

static void main(string[] args) {      // functions.dll not there.. unless next line gets uncommented     var assemblies = assembly.getentryassembly().getreferencedassemblies();        //var dummy = new functions.mylibrary();       // works assembly not referenced.      var  = system.runtime.loader.assemblyloadcontext                 .default.loadfromassemblypath(@"path\functions.dll"); } 

in functions.dll

public class mylibrary {     public void foo()     {      } } 


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