javascript - Parsing Soundcloud Source with BeautifulSoup -

i'm going keep simple. decently new html/js. it's not complicated don't have syntax down beautifulsoup down point of knowing how parse specific information.

<a href="/buygore/k-theory-x-wizard-turn-it?in=blissful-edm/sets/best" class="trackitem__tracktitle sc-link-dark sc-font-light">k theory x wizard - turn it</a>  

so, above specific tag want information out of. actual artist - song name portion near end of text "k theory x wizard - turn it" in instance. have use regular expressions? link in situation specify want value attached href, don't see attached text above. thanks!

you can use findall on soup result.

f = soup.findall("a", {"class":"trackitem__tracktitle sc-link-dark sc-font-light")  print(f.text) 

this should work


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