qt - Grantlee Template: Splitting a list into "N" chunks -

using grantlee template system library (so not quite full django template system), i'm trying take list of objects (qlist<qobject *>), split "n" chunks, , build separate (html) table each chunk.

in template i'm doing like:

{% range objectlist.count startnum %}     {% if startnum|divisibleby:16 %}         {% include "table.html.django" %}     {% endif %} {% endrange %}` 

i've tried in table.html.django:

<table>    <thead><tr><th>name</th></tr></thead>    <tbody>      {% range startnum startnum|add:16 num %}        <tr><td>{{ num }} {{ objectlist.num.name }}</td></tr>      {% endrange %}   </tbody> </table> 

(range built-in grantlee tag.)

but doesn't reference list item , don't see how access specific item in list when have variable ("num"). there way this?

i tried using slice, looking @ slicefilter::dofilter() code seems works on lists of strings.

any suggestions on how approach this?

(unfortunately can't create grantlee or grantlee-lib tag post due lack of reputation, maybe can create me?)


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