bash - Ubuntu script language doesn't work as expect -

this question has answer here:

as beginner of bash script, wrote simple script change directory. here source code:

#!/bin/bash  set -x echo "---------------------start-----------" cd /home/cocadas/workspace/carnd/carnd-behavioral-cloning-p3 

i save "start" in /root folder. change property of file executable, , run below. problem execution command cd doesn't work. did miss?

cocadas@cocadas-thinkpad-w540:~$ ./start + echo ---------------------start----------- ---------------------start----------- + cd /home/cocadas/workspace/carnd/carnd-behavioral-cloning-p3 cocadas@cocadas-thinkpad-w540:~$ cd /home/cocadas/workspace/carnd/carnd-behavioral-cloning-p3 cocadas@cocadas-thinkpad-w540:~/workspace/carnd/carnd-behavioral-cloning-p3$ 

your ./start call creates sub shell. run source start or . start (. abbreviation of source) instead execute script directly in command line, not in nested container.


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