writeWorkSheet function in R not pasting values into Excel -

i trying copy data r data frame (shipments) excel file using writeworkbook function in xlconnect package. however, not copying excel file. execution doesn't result in error/warning appearing in console. doesn't copy.

i have loaded library xlconnect , made sure not loading library xlsx. column copied has been type-casted dataframe thought might issue.

wbnames additional thing. directly wrote sheet name in writeworkbook , should have worked fine. wbnames there hasn't been change in result.

i intended copy content macro file , run macro file r wasn't working. thought may because of macro file function not working on .xlsx itself.

so, not sure issue. grateful if can here. missing something?

library(xlconnect)  library(rdcomclient)   xlapp   <- comcreate("excel.application") xlwbk   <- xlapp$workbooks()$open(filepath+filename.xlsx) xlwb    <- loadworkbook(filepath+filename.xlsx) wbnames <- as.vector(getsheets(xlwb))  # copy column existing data frame , paste first # sheet of filename.xlsx, starting @ row#6, no headers , no rownames: writeworksheet(xlwb, as.data.frame(shipments$shipment_id),     sheet = wbnames[1], startrow = 6, header = f, rownames = null) 

xlwb r-object contains workbook. looks data has been written workbook, good. in order view in excel format, however, still need save workbook excel. add line after code , should see document called your_file_name.xlsx data in working directory:

xlconnect::saveworkbook(xlwb, "your_file_name.xlsx") 


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