html - initialize '--Select--' in a dropdown list -

how can initialize --select-- first option while fetching select options server using ng-options.. have tried ng-init didn't workout..

html element

<select   ng-options="item item.approver1_name item in request.approver1_data track" id="selectform" ng-model="selected_approver1_email"  > 

i able fetch list of approvers. need add --select-- option default..

you can


<div ng-controller="myctrl">     <select ng-options="region.code region in regions" ng-model="region">     <option style="display:none" value="">--select--</option>     </select>     <br>selected: {{region}} </div> 


var myapp = angular.module('myapp', []);  function myctrl($scope) {     $scope.regions = [         {         name: "alabama",         code: "al"},     {         name: "alaska",         code: "ak"},     {         name: "american samoa",         code: "as"},         ]; } 

here link working jsfiddle in can experiment further.


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