wenzhixin Bootstrap-Table nested tables/sub-table -

i trying make existing bootstrap table neasted detail-views, have regular detailview add 1 layer on top of detailed view... first list taken database, when expanding + sign, 2 options , have expansion well.. below first option on second layer detailed view , second 1 should have table taken database. not getting work, have been using https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table-examples/blob/master/options/sub-table.html base not getting detailformatting recive items (rows) on second layer of table, top layer. second table possible add , existing table sub-table?

this .js code 

` $('#table').bootstraptable( {detailview: true, onexpandrow: function (index, row, $details) { expandtable1(index, row, $details); } }); function detailformatter1(index, row) {

    var input = ({         "title": row.title,         "document id": row.hvcdocumentid,         "part id": row.hvcdocumentpartid,         "revision": row.hvcrevision,         "revsion text": row.hvcrevisiontext,         "summery": row.hvcsummary,         "document kind": row.hvcdocumentkind,         "replaces": row.hvcorigin     })      var html = [];     $.each(input, function (key, value) {         html.push('<p><b>' + key + ':</b> ' + value + '</p>');     });     return html.join('');  } var $table = $('#table'); $(function () {     buildtable($table); }); function expandtable1(index, row, $detail) { 

buildtable($detail.html('view details').find('table'), row, index); } function buildtable($el, row, index) {

    $el.bootstraptable({          detailview: true,         detailformatter: detailformatter1,         onexpandrow: function(index, row, $detail)         {             detailformatter1(index, row);         }       }); } 


table code in html:

<table id="table"                data-toggle="table"                data-url="getpathdocuments"                data-query-params="queryparams"                data-search="true"                data-search-on-enter-key="false"                data-smart-display="true"                data-trim-on-search="false"                data-cache="false"                data-pagination="true"                data-page-number="1"                data-page-size="50"                data-page-list="[25, 50, 100, 250, 500]"                data-side-pagination="client"                data-id-field="hvcdocumentid"                data-show-refresh="false"                data-detail-view="true" 


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