Run headless chrome as demon and save given links in to pdf -

guys, want run headless chrome in docker container demon , send link chrome. should take link , make pdf.

i found good helps me run chrome in background. still don't know how send link , how chrome, please save web page pdf.

i know how save pdf locally, google has good tutorial

i appreciate help, hope did before

you should use official selenium images. 1 can run below

docker run -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome 

then use language of choice selenium bindings. below python example. need python , selenium package installed

$ pip install selenium 

below code can use control browsr

from selenium import webdriver selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import desiredcapabilities driver = webdriver.remote("", driver.get("") driver.quit() 

see below more details of selenium webdriver in python


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