optimization - How to set the initials when using NLsolve, Julia -

please, want use nlsolve of julia solving systems of nonlinear equations. package requires set initials unknowns of system. system of equations (sorry, can not include here since need @ least 10 reputations allowed to), when keep initials [0.1; 1.2] in example documentation, obtain "paper-pencil" solution. if set initials @ [1.1;2.2] example, receive following error:

domainerror: exponentiation yielding complex result requires complex argument. replace x^y (x+0im)^y, complex(x)^y, or similar.

please, how should come suitable values initials given system of equations?

a rootfinder dependent on initial condition. that's how algorithms work. closer guess true maximum better off are. trust region methods more robust newton methods, you'll never away fact these local methods.


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